Project Areas


Upgrade Ohio is dedicated to advancing three main project areas: energy efficiency, renewable energy, and electric transportation. Our mission to drive demand for clean energy encompasses a foundation of environmental stewardship. In a perfect world, our work will highlight that there is much to gain in using less energy. By doing more with less, energy users can keep more money in their pockets, improve the resiliency and creativity of their everyday lives, and help foster a healthy mindset that keeps future generations in mind.


“Harvest the Power of the Sun”  — Solar ACCESS is a community solar project that UpGrade Ohio is developing as part of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Solar In Your Community Challenge.  We hope to launch the Solar ACCESS pilot project in 2018, opening up community solar subscription opportunities to individuals, businesses, and supporters of all stripes.



“Green Your Business with Renewable Energy” — Businesses and agricultural producers in 8 southeast Ohio counties are eligible to receive free renewable energy assessments. Renewable energy can reduce energy-related costs, attract new customers, and help obtain valuable tax credits. We also provide direct assistance, such as writing grants and finding financing for renewable energy projects.


The Electric Vehicle (EV) Cruisers Club — An emerging electric car club that originated in Athens County, Ohio as part our our lead initiative, UpGrade Athens County. The club acts as an organizational hub for our electric transportation efforts as we hope to expand public and private electric vehicle charging stations, increase awareness on the multiple value streams created by electric vehicles, and highlight how renewable energy can be the leading power source for electric cars — making them more efficient and cleaner as Ohio shifts to more wind and solar.