Solar Permitting Checklist | Residential and Commericial

Residential – refer to local government’s building permit

Commercial – refer to Ohio government’s building permit


Building permit essential and necessary items:

  • Applicant (with property owner) information and address
  • Describe solar project and qualify as new building, addition, alteration or accessory structure
  • Scaled, detailed drawing required including clear access paths and roof access point
  • Describe the use of the project and the new use of the building (if any)
  • List cost, square footage, contractor information (general, electric, plumbing, etc.)

Common Items Required Before Issue of Permit – if applicable

  • Title 41/PUC Approval – Shade Tree Commission Approval – Land Development (land, water, sewer, fire, flood, wellhead protection) Approvals – BZA (Board of Zoning Appeal) Approval if need for variance.

Principles for Streamlined Solar Permitting

The requirements below encompass all necessary components of a successful solar PV application issued by solar installers and contractors for residential and/or commerical clients. As communities improve the process of permitting solar PV systems, these principles act as a base for developing a more streamlined process – which, in effect, can help lower the soft costs and time associated with solar development.

  • Solar PV system size is less than (10 kw) AC – alternating current.
  • System is roof-mounted on single- or double-family dwelling or accessory structure
  • Solar array/modules will not exceed maximum legal building height
  • Solar system is utility-interactive without battery storage applications
  • No more than four photovoltaic module strings are connected to each Maximum Power
    Point Tracking (MPPT) input where source circuit fusing is included in the inverter
    1) No more than two strings per MPPT input where source circuit fusing is not included
    2) Fuses (if needed) are rated to the series fuse rating of the PV module
    3) No more than one noninverter-integrated DC combiner is utilized per inverter


  • For central inverter systems: No more than two inverters are utilized
  • The PV system is interconnected to a single-phase AC service panel of nominal 120/220 Vac with a bus bar rating of 225 A or less
  • The PV system is connected to the load side of the utility distribution equipment


  • Clear access pathways provided
  • Fire classification solar system is provided
  • All required markings and labels are provided
  • A diagram of the roof layout of all panels, modules, clear access pathways and approximate locations of electrical disconnecting means and roof access points

Electrical Requirements

Electrical, structural and fire safety requirements should follow Ohio electric safety standards as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code. Please include all necessary attachments and supplemental items subject to review.

  • Must be a qualified, licensed contractor
  • Use listed and labeled equipment where possible, preferably with tests conducted by an identified, independent testing organization (listed agency)
  • Interconnected electric power production (from solar PV) should be grounded, including necessary fault protections (to avoid hazard) and grounding electrode systems as close as practical to roof-mounted solar PV systems. Refer to Ohio Revised Code for appropriate sizing and circuit protection necessities.
  • Disconnection means for non-grounded solar PV systems must consist of a manually operable switch(es), or
    circuit breaker(s) and installed at a readily accessible location either on the outside of a building or structure or inside nearest the point of entrance of the system conductors
  • Solar PV source or output circuits shall be contained in metal race-ways, including disconnecting options, either mounted or within each inverter for both alternating-current and direct-current (permanent marking)
  • PV system circuits installed on or in buildings shall include a rapid shutdown function
  • Clearly identify power sources buildings or structures with both utility service and a PV system (grid-tied)
  • Buildings or structures with both utility service and a PV system must demonstrate that the installed supply side connection will not void or violate the panel manufacturer’s listing.
  • All interactive system(s) points of interconnection with other sources shall be marked at an accessible location at the disconnecting means as a power source and with the rated AC output current and the nominal operating AC voltage.


Structural Requirements

  • In lieu of providing a project-specific engineered design, the roof rafter framing supporting the added PV system shall meet conventional framing standards
  • Module (solar PV panels) attachments shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.


Fire Safety Requirements

  • Rooftop mounted PV panels and modules shall have a combined fire classification and must comply with current fire safety standards
  • A roof access point must be clearly defined on the plans and shall be verified by a building inspector
  • Clear access paths are required on roofs –  clear access pathways shall not be less than 3 feet in width from
    the eave to the ridge on each roof slope where panels and modules are located.
  • Hips and valleys layouts shall not be located in a manner that provides not less than 18 inches clear from a hip or valley where panels or modules are to be placed on both sides.
  • Panels and modules installed on dwellings shall not be located less than 3 feet below the roof ridge to allow for fire department smoke ventilation operations.